Top Tennis Summer Camps and Summer Tennis Programs for Kids & Teens in Michigan

Best Michigan Tennis Camps Summer 2025 Directory

Find the Best Tennis Camps in Michigan!

Over 10 Michigan Tennis Summer Camps Listed Below with In-Depth Camp Info, including: Videos, Photos, Maps & Detailed Descriptions

Best Michigan Tennis Camps in 2025
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Winter Tennis Camps, Programs, Workshops, & Classes in Michigan are Starting in February, 2025

Many of our Michigan Tennis Camps offer Winter Tennis Programs, Activities, Workshops & Classes starting in February, 2025.

Be sure to check the "Year-Round Programs and Other Camp Info" headings of each camp listing for specifics, or give any Tennis Camp you're interested in a call to check on Winter dates, times and availability.

Winter 2025 Tennis Camp Open Houses & Reunions

Many of our Tennis Camps will be hosting Winter Reunions for their previous campers, and Winter Open Houses for interested new campers and families. Each camp is different, and some offer activities for the entire family.

Contact the camp(s) directly to see if there are any Camp Reunion or Open House Plans for February, 2025.

Best Michigan Winter Tennis Day Camps Starting in February, 2025

Looking for a Great Michigan Tennis Day Camp? Look at each camp's TYPE OF CAMP description. Many of our Best Michigan Day Tennis Camps also list their exact hours, and if they offer before and after camp activities.

Best Michigan Year-Round
Tennis Camps, Classes & Tennis Programs

Many of our Best Michigan Summer Tennis Camps also offer Year Round Tennis Camp Programs, Classes, and Activities. You should contact the camps you are interested in to see if they offer Fall, Winter and/or Spring Tennis Programs, too.

Best Michigan Winter Tennis Camp Jobs

Searching for Michigan Tennis Camp Jobs? Many of our Best Tennis Camps are now listing their 2025 Winter Camp Jobs, too. Look for the heading "Summer Camp Jobs" in each camp listing. You can also check any camp's website for their "Work at Camp" or "Winter Employment Opportunities" pages.

View ALL MI Camps with Winter Work & Leadership Training Opportunities.

Some of the Best Tennis Camps in the Midwest are here in Michigan.


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More Info

Lake of the Woods and Greenwoods Camps
Decatur, Michigan

Visit Our Lake of the Woods and Greenwoods Camps Website
269-423-3091 - summer 847-242-0009 - winter
84600 47 1/2 Street
Decatur, Michigan 49045

650 Vernon Ave. #202
Glencoe, IL 60022

Watch Our Lake of the Woods and Greenwoods Camps Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): All Boy Campers. All Girl Campers.

Tennis, Golf, Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Soccer, Sailing, Weightloss, Waterfront/Aquatics, Basketball, Gymnastics, Cheerleading, Baseball, Football, Dance, Music/Band, Theater, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Computers, and more. Culinary Arts, Recording Studio, Go Carting, Riflery, Archery, Lacrosse

CAMP LOCATION: Half way between Chicago (2 hours) and Detroit (3 hours) located on a beautiful sand bottom lake; Lake of the Woods. Our camp sits on 80 acres filled with fabulous fields and facilities.

CAMP FACILITIES: We have modern cabins with bathrooms and showers inside. Other facilities include a heated swimming pool, recreation lodges, 8 tennis courts, 4 basketball courts, a fitness studio, culinary arts studio, recording studio, and a beautiful sand bottom lake

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Featured in Family Life Magazine as "One of Ten Recommended Camps in America". Founded in 1935, we have been the home away from home for boys and girls ages 6-15 for 80 years and counting! We customize a program for each camper based on his or her interests. Campers are able to specialize in an activity of their choosing as well. Campers may attend a 2, 4 or 8 week session.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Family camp is 6 days of fun-filled activities for you and your entire family. Spend quality time with your family participating in activities that you enjoy most such as water skiing, golf, tennis, climbing and much more! Each night we have a different evening program from Top Chef Contests to Family Bowling night.

For dates and fees, please visit Our Camp Website Link:

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Lake of the Woods and Greenwoods Camps

There are 10 Top Michigan Tennis Camps Below

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Michigan Tennis Camps

Be sure to ask each Michigan Tennis Camp about the amount of tennis instruction and the overall intensity of their tennis program.

Some Top Michigan Tennis Camps offer rigorous daily tennis training and lots of intensive tennis experience. Other great Michigan Camps offer tennis as an elective or recreational activity with much less training and intensity.

View ONLY Michigan Tennis Day Camps?

Would you like to see a List of Top Michigan Tennis Day Camps Only, Organized by City?

We will re-sort this list and show you only Tennis Day Camps, organized alphabetically by city.

Camp Crystal
Frankfort, Michigan

Visit Our Camp Crystal Website
(231) 352-9311
2365 South Shore Dr
Frankfort, Michigan 49635

Watch Our Camp Crystal Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Family Camp

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Christian. Non-Denominational

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Camp Crystal offers overnight summer camps for children and youth ages 7+. We also have a day camp for younger campers who might not be ready to spend a night away from family just yet. We also have a few different family camp options for all ages.

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: We have well-trained staff who are equipped to handle a myriad of special needs campers and are excited to do so. We follow an integrative model, so special needs campers feel welcomed into the community we build at camp throughout the week. We have adaptable programming and follow a challenge-by-choice model that encourages all campers to reach to their greatest potential.

Tennis, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Basketball, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, Music/Band, Theater, Fine Arts/Crafts, and more. Dodgeball, Gaga Ball, Hiking

CAMP LOCATION: We are located 35 miles west of Traverse City on the south shore of Crystal Lake in Frankfort, MI.

CAMP FACILITIES: We have 3 cabins each with 4-5 different bunk rooms. We also have a chapel, a multipurpose building, 3 cottages, a dining hall, and quarters for the camp director and nurse.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: We are ACA accredited and do comprehensive training for all of our staff, along with recuring training before each session.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Please contact Michael Dirksen at mdirksen[AT] to apply to be a CIT.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: We have a significant amount of Scholarships available. Please contact Michael Dirksen at mdirksen[AT] to apply.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): We have two family camp sessions, one is an extended weekend and the other is a traditional full week. Check our website for the latest information.

Check our website for the latest information.
Our Camp Website Link:

Lifeguard, cooks assistant

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Camp Crystal

There are 9 Top Michigan Tennis Camps Below

Tennis Camps in MI
Offer Day & Overnight Options

Some Michigan Tennis Camps offer BOTH Day and Overnight Camp options. Be sure to check each camp's description under "TYPE OF CAMP" for complete information, and exact hours.

Some Michigan Tennis Day Camps also offer Extended Camp Hours for Early Camper Drop-Off and Pick Up. If you need these services, you should contact the camp to confirm availability.

Camp Westminster on Higgins Lake
Roscommon, MI

Visit Our Camp Westminster on Higgins Lake Website
(989) 821-9474
116 Westminster Drive
Roscommon, MI 48653

Watch Our Camp Westminster on Higgins Lake Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. We offer one and two week, overnight summer programs for boys and girls ages 7 to 17. Day camp is also available to those who live nearby or may be vacationing in the area July 21-25. Overnight sessions run Sunday through Saturday.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Christian.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Camp Westminster on Higgins Lake was established in 1925. For 90 years we've been offering stellar summer camp programs for children and youth. Spend a week on Higgins Lake making new friends, building confidence and having fun!

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Free to Be: Camp with an allergen-free diet is available for children and youth with food allergies, sensitivities, and intolerances including gluten free/casein free diets. More info: Our Camp Website Link:

Tennis, Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Soccer, Sailing, Waterfront/Aquatics, Team Sports, Basketball, Volleyball, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, Dance, Music/Band, Theater, Musical Theater, Fine Arts/Crafts, Math, Academics, Science, Technology, Travel, and more. Gluten Free/casein Free, Sailing, First Timers, Worldwide Sports, Rock Climbing, Cooking, Leadership Development, Extreme S.T.E.A.M (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, & Math), Backpacking

CAMP LOCATION: Camp Westminster on Higgins Lake is located in Michigan's lower peninsula about 1 hour south of Traverse City. The camp is situated on 42 acres of rustic forest and beautiful lake front.

CAMP FACILITIES: 11 waterfront cabins; beautiful waterfront dining hall; 2 bathhouse facilities; log cabin craft cabin; waterfront outdoor chapel; outdoor basketball and tennis courts; sand volleyball court; nature cabin; low ropes course; high ropes course with zip line; lighthouse climbing wall; Adventure Village containing three yurt lodgings in the trees; pristine lake for swimming and sailing.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: For every consecutive summer since 1925, Camp Westminster on Higgins Lake in northern Michigan has been offering a solid summer camp program with a rich history of diversity, openness to change and adaptation, and the greatest memories a camper could have! We offer one and two week, overnight summer programs for boys and girls ages 7 to 17. Day camp is also available to those who live nearby or may be vacationing in the area July 21-25.

First time away from home? Our First Timers session is perfect for first-time campers. Caring and experienced counselors provide a safe, fun, and welcoming environment. Sailing, swimming, fishing, hiking, archery, high ropes, low ropes, Bible Quest, silly songs, and wacky games are just some of the activities your child will enjoy, all on the shores of beautiful Higgins Lake. They can even climb to the top of the lighthouse climbing wall! Themed sessions are available for campers who are interested in sailing, music and drama, rock climbing, cooking, or sports.

Feeling adventurous? With the guidance of our trained and experienced staff, your child can spend a week backpacking through South Manitou Island, or Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore; or they can climb real rock during an expedition to Devil's Lake State Park in Wisconsin.

Campers with food sensitivities and allergies are encouraged to register for Free to Be, a worry-free week of camp designed for children with gluten and casein intolerances.

No matter which session you choose, you and your child are sure to love the Camp Westminster experience. Just look at what other parents have to say! "Camp Westminster provides an unparalleled experience of a traditional camp merged with spiritual underpinnings, all in one of the most beautiful settings imaginable."

Register online at Our Camp Website Link: for an unforgettable camp experience.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: LifeWorks Leadership Development Program: Are you ready for a rewarding summer that combines fun, faith, and self discovery? LifeWorks is designed with you in mind! In the whirlwind of college applications, resumes, and interviews, more and more people are realizing the importance of standing out! Colleges are looking for individuals who engage in extramural activities, community service, and unique experiences.

The LifeWorks program promotes personal growth and self discovery through hands-on activities and experiential learning. More info: Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Camperships available. Please contact the camp office.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Camp Westminster’s Family Camp was created over 50 years ago to give families time together, away from the hectic pace of everyday life. Family Camp and Family Mission Camp are available. Please visit Our Camp Website Link: for more information.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Camp Westminster is the perfect place for a getaway! We welcome retreat groups and conferences year-round. More info: Our Camp Website Link:

OTHER CAMP INFO: Like us on Facebook! Visit: Our Camp Website Link: Read the camp blog at: Our Camp Website Link:

One and two week sessions are available throughout the summer beginning mid-June and ending mid-August. Please visit Our Camp Website Link: for the complete summer schedule and registration information. Early bird discounts are available for early registration.

For more information on applying for a summer staff position, please visit Our Camp Website Link:

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Camp Westminster on Higgins Lake

There are 8 Top Michigan Tennis Camps Below

Skyhawks Sports Academy Summer Sports Camps
Michigan Location(s)

Visit Our Skyhawks Sports Academy Summer Sports Camps Website
Over 500 Locations Nationwide
Mead, WA

CA, CO, CT, FL, IA, ID, IL, IN, KY, MA, MI, MN, MT, NH, NY, OH, OR, PA, TX, WA, WI, and WY

6311 E. Mt. Spokane Park Dr., Suite B
Mead, WA 99021

Watch Our Skyhawks Sports Academy Summer Sports Camps Video

CAMPER AGES: 3 thru 12. Not all ages available in all areas.

TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Hours vary by camp and age level.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

Tennis, Golf, Soccer, Team Sports, Basketball, Volleyball, Cheerleading, Baseball, Football, and more. Lacrosse, Mini-Hawk, Multi-Sport, Quickstart, Tiny-Hawk, Track & Field, & Volleyball Too!

CAMP LOCATION: Skyhawks Sports Camps are located in cities throughout the state. Please see our website for exact locations near you at Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP FACILITIES: Modern practice fields and facilites with top-notch training and safety equipment.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Since 1979, Skyhawks sports has led safe, fun and skill-focused sports camps and programs for youth between the ages of 3-12.

We offer many different different sports--and countless ways for your child to grow. The camps range from soccer to baseball to our popular mulit-sport camps where kids sample three different sports (soccer, basketball and baseball) in one camp.

Our camps and programs are offered locally throughout over 500 communities. The format includes traditional week-long summer day camps and year-round after-school programs that range from 45 minutes to 6 hours in duration, per day. Our progression of camps and programs, led by our expert staff, are generated toward youth looking for a sport introduction or those who want to refine and master their sport-specific skills.

For Detailed Information on ALL of our summer sports camps, please visit our website at Our Camp Website Link:

Our coaches and site directors make a significant difference to your child's on-field experience. Chosen for their strong personal character, responsibility, and capacity to effectively communicate sports skills to youth, our staff will make the extra effort every time to ensure that your children have the best on-field/court experience, emphasize teamwork, and learn life skills through sports. Our staff are required to complete our extensive certification process.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: We offer financial aid for those families that qualify. Please call 1.800.804.3509 for an application.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: We offer year round programs in select states, please see our website for complete information on all Skyhawks Sport Camps in your area.

OTHER CAMP INFO: Skyhawks Sports Camps are SAFETY FOCUSED!

At Skyhawks we go the extra mile to focus on safety, and we have a long-standing proven safety track record and processes to prove it. For example, all Skyhawks Sports camps start and end with our unique safety process called "Gate System and Parking Lot Duty." This process is where coaches come and greet both parents and campers in the parking lot when parents pull up to drop off their children.

Our staff guide the kids onto the field/court and out of harm's way by funneling them into our gate system. Eye contact is maintained from each one of our staff members until the kids make it onto the field/court where they are grouped by age. This efficient process ensures safety. Additionally, it develops a level of trust between parent, coach, and child that ultimately leads to a fun and skill-focused camp for youth.

Skyhawks Sports Camps are offered throughout the summer, and specific dates and times vary from location to location.

Fees vary depending on age, duration of camp, and location.

You can find a complete list of sessions, times, and fees for ALL the Skyhawks Sports Camps in your area at: Our Camp Website Link:

Or feel free to call us at: 800-804-3509.

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Skyhawks Sports Academy Summer Sports Camps

There are 7 Top Michigan Tennis Camps Below


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More Info

Wiz Kids Camps
Michigan Location(s)

Visit Our Wiz Kids Camps Website
Homewood-Flossmoor High School
800 Governors Highway
Flossmoor, Illinois 60422

Roosevelt University
430 S. Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL 60605

3011 W 183rd Street
Suite 220
Homewood, IL 60430


TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Daily (M-F): 8:00-5:30, plus extended care

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Wiz Kids Camps feature enrichment programming designed to foster growth and build lasting relationships. Our singular mission is to create environments that give young people an opportunity to have life-impacting experiences academically, athletically, socially and emotionally. We pride ourselves on having the gold standard when it comes to youth development and our highest priority is ensuring that each camper has a safe, enriching, fun, and interactive summer.

Tennis, Golf, Swimming, Soccer, Team Sports, Basketball, Volleyball, Gymnastics, Martial Arts, Dance, Theater, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Computers, Math, Academics, Science, Technology, and more.

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Wiz Kids Camps

There are 6 Top Michigan Tennis Camps Below

Sports Conditioning
Warren, Michigan

Visit Our Wiz Kids Camps Website
3001 E 13 Mile Rd
Warren, Michigan 48092



CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

Tennis, Soccer, Weightloss, Team Sports, Basketball, Baseball, and more. Hockey, Too.

CAMP LOCATION: Halmich Park: located on 13 mile between Ryan and Dequindre

CAMP FACILITIES: An expansive park that includes a pavillion, a hill for training and bathroom facilities.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Work on what every SPORT needs!!
Core Strength
Muscle Endurance
Cardio Endurance
Injury Prevention
Myofascial Muscle Release

Mondays: 7pm - 8:30pm
Starts: June 23rd Ends: August 25th
Cost: $100 (includes foam roller)

Thursdays: 9:30am - 11am
Starts: June 26rd Ends: August 28th
Cost: $100 (includes foam roller)

BOTH Mondays and Thursdays: Cost $175

Sign up is required! Just call 586-306-0269 to reserve a spot! Working on building a website!

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Sports Conditioning

There are 5 Top Michigan Tennis Camps Below

Ferris State Athletic Camps
Big Rapids, Michigan

Visit Our Ferris State Athletic Camps Website
210 Sports Dr.
Big Rapids, Michigan 49307

CAMPER AGES: 6-18 (depending on program)

TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers. All Boy Campers. All Girl Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: We are the official camp of Ferris State University Athletics, located in Big Rapids, MI. Our camps offer a wide-variety of instructional camps focused on providing personal attention to improve skills for all participants. We also offer competitive team camps in Basketball, Volleyball, and Football.

Tennis, Golf, Soccer, Team Sports, Basketball, Volleyball, Football, and more. Ice Hockey

CAMP LOCATION: Located in Big Rapids, MI, approximately 55 miles north of Grand Rapids.

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Ferris State Athletic Camps

There are 4 Top Michigan Tennis Camps Below

US Sports/Nike Camps
Michigan Location(s)

Visit Our US Sports/Nike Camps Website
800-645-3226 (Nike Camps)
800-433-6060 (All other camps)
800-406-3926 (NBC Camps)
877-308-7325 (Peak Performance Swim Camps)
888-780-2267 (Vogelsinger Soccer Academy)

Over 700 Camp Locations Across the US & Canada


US Sports Camps, Inc.
1010 B Street, Suite 450
San Rafael, CA 94901

Watch Our US Sports/Nike Camps Video

CAMPER AGES: Most junior camps accept participants between the ages of 10-18, however some of our day camps will accept those as young as 5. Adult programs offered, too. See our camp specific web pages to find out exact ages for each program.

TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Weekend programs available in some areas. International campers welcome.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers. All Boy Campers. All Girl Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Now celebrating over 40 years of camp! We offer camps across a variety of sports which run for one, two or three consecutive sessions across the US and Canada. USSC partners with the country's best coaches to direct our camps at top-rated, professionally-equipped training facilities. International programs offered, too.

Tennis, Golf, Swimming, Soccer, Waterfront/Aquatics, Team Sports, Basketball, Volleyball, Gymnastics, Baseball, Football, and more. Other Camps: Crew, Field Hockey, Lacrosse, MultiSport, Rugby, Running, Ultimate, Waterpolo, Gymnastics, Hockey, & Yoga.

CAMP LOCATION: Over 700 Locations throughout the US and Canada. International locations, too. Please visit our website for a complete list of camps offered near you, at Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP FACILITIES: Our camps are offered at top-rated, professionally equipped sports training facilities.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Sports are FUN, but they are more fun when you get better! Our professional, passionate, and positive coaches will help your child become a better player and a more inspired athlete. Camp provides the perfect opportunity to improve skills, make new friends, laugh hard, and smile a lot. Our Mission is to shape a lifelong enjoyment of athletics through high quality sports education and skill enhancement while consistently exceeding the expectations of our customers!

During the summer of 2014 more than 70,000 US and international campers attended a US Sports Camps program. US Sports Camps currently offers 24 programs in 15 different sports.

Our summer sports camps include: Baseball, Basketball, Crew, Field Hockey, Football, Golf, Gymnastics, Lacrosse, Multi-Sport, Rugby, Running, Soccer, Softball, Swim, Tennis, Ultimate, Volleyball, Waterpolo, and Yoga. We also offer several International sports camps around the world. Our sports camps continue to grow thanks to an outstanding community of Camp Directors and the dedication of the entire USSC staff. We expect 2015, our 41st year in business, to be our best year ever. We look forward to seeing you at camp!

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Many of our sports camps offer sessions and special weekend clinics year-round. Please contact us for details.

For complete information regarding summer camp sessions and fees, please visit our website at: Our Camp Website Link:

Each camp director is responsible for hiring their own staff and typically hire in late winter and early spring. If you are interested in applying for a position, please email the appropriate sport mailbox at Our Camp Website Link: and we will forward on your information to any director looking for additional staff.

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US SportsNike Camps

There are 3 Top Michigan Tennis Camps Below


Find a great collection of custom-made shirts, hoodies, bags, swag & gear on our RedBubble page. Click on any image or the link below.

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Camp Tannadoonah
Vandalia, Michigan

Visit Our Camp Tannadoonah Website
14751 Harvey St.
Vandalia, Michigan 49095

Watch Our Camp Tannadoonah Video

CAMPER AGES: 5 to 17 years

TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Overnight and day camp programs, and offer weekend stays between sessions

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.


BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Camp Tannadoonah offers a traditional resident camp program with all the highlights of summer camp: swimming, boating, archery, nature, sports, crafts, and most of all, FUN! Owned and operated by Camp Fire River Bend, our camp is located just outside of South Bend, IN. We offer programs for campers ages 5 to 17, boys and girls. Lots of great activities, specialty programs, and leadership CIT programs, too!

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: We are generally able to accommodate campers with special needs. Before registering, please contact us so we can discuss your camper's needs, and determine if we are the right fit for your child.

Tennis, Swimming, Soccer, Sailing, Waterfront/Aquatics, Team Sports, Basketball, Volleyball, Baseball, Football, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, Dance, Music/Band, Theater, Musical Theater, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Academics, Science, Technology, and more. Waterskiing, Wake Boarding, Stand Up Paddle Boards, Leadership Programs, Flag Football, CSI, Volleyball, Guitar, Lego Robotics, Canoe Trips On The River, Cooking, Baking

Camp Tannadoonah is a Top Tennis Summer Camp located in Vandalia Michigan offering many fun and educational Tennis and other activities, including: Sailing, Theater, Music/Band and more. Camp Tannadoonah is a top Tennis Camp for ages: 5 to 17 years.

CAMP LOCATION: Camp Tannadoonah is a traditional residential summer camp for youth ages 5 to 16. We are located 45 minutes north east of South Bend, IN. Camp Tannadoonah has 45 acres atop a hill on beautiful Birch Lake, in Vandalia, MI. Each week has different specialty activities, as well as all the basic activities that are offered every week (archery, nature, sports, crafts, drama, dance, photography, swimming, canoeing, kayaking, sailing, stand up paddle boards, waterskiing, and many more! Check out our website ( for photographs and videos, as well as registration information.

CAMP FACILITIES: 9 camper sleeping cabins, large dining hall that seats 200, outdoor basketball courts, tennis courts, amphitheater, 900 feet of waterfront on Birch Lake (one of the cleanest lakes in Michigan)

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Camp Tannadoonah offers a traditional resident camp program with all the highlights of summer camp: swimming, boating, archery, nature, sports, crafts, and most of all, FUN! Camp Tannadoonah is owned and operated by Camp Fire River Bend, and is located just outside of South Bend, IN. We offer programs for campers ages 5 to 17, boys and girls. Check out our website for much more information!

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: We offer a 2- to 4-week-long Counselor in Training Program. We know that the best campers make the best counselors in the future, and want to provide as much training as we can for campers who wish to learn about being a counselor.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Full or partial "Camperships" (scholarships for camp) are available. Funds are allotted based on demonstrated financial need. Please see the financial aid portion of the website for details.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): We have two family camp weekends, one in the fall and one in the spring. More information about these programs is available at

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: We have monthly council-sponsored activities that are open to all youth. These include fall camp, a harvest party, craft workshops, bowling outings, a fun fair and fun run, and many others!

We also operate the extended day program at Good Shepherd Montessori School in South Bend, IN, and an after school program at Sam Adams Elementary in Cassopolis, MI.

The 2020 season runs from June 14 through August 8. One-week sessions cost $650, and include all activities except waterskiing, wakeboarding, and canoe trips. Check out our website for more details, and registration information.

We will be hiring for the following positions in 2020:

Kitchen Manager
Waterfront Director
Cabin Counselors
Program Leaders
Maintenance Assistant 
Assistant Cook(s)

Please visit Our Camp Website Link: for applications.

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Camp Tannadoonah

There are 2 Top Michigan Tennis Camps Below

Camp Newaygo
Newaygo, Michigan

Visit Our Camp Newaygo Website
(231) 652-1184
5333 Centerline RD
Newaygo, Michigan 49337


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): All Girl Campers.

Tennis, Golf, Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Soccer, Sailing, Waterfront/Aquatics, Team Sports, Basketball, Gymnastics, Cheerleading, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, Dance, Theater, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, and more. Water-skiing, Yoga, Tubing, Zumba, Paddleboarding, Windsurfing, Water Polo, Kayaking, Outdoor Cooking, Fencing, Pottery, Synchronized Swimming.

CAMP LOCATION: Our 101 acre camp rests along Pickerel Lake which is snuggled in the Manistee National Forest region, near the town of Newaygo, Michigan. If you like spending time in the outdoors, enjoying the sun, having fun on the water, and making life long friendships, Camp Newaygo is the place for you.

CAMP FACILITIES: We have 9 Adirondack cabins, tree houses, platforms tents, and a newly renovated 2.5 million dollar lodge. So your girls can experience rustic camping - with beautiful bathrooms!

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Since 1926 campers from around the country and throughout the world have enjoyed fun filled summers at Camp Newaygo Girl's Resident Camp.

Camp Newaygo's primary program is girls resident camp, which provides campers the opportunity to have an adventure they couldn't get anywhere else. Being an all-girl's camp, our staff and campers feel free to be themselves, and are celebrated for their personalities. Staff at Camp Newaygo have three primary responsibilities: to teach daily classes (everything from swimming to sign language), to live in the cabins and tents with campers, and to lead outdoor trips - both backpacking and paddling.

You will never find a more genuine, compassionate, or caring environment for youth and staff. We pride ourselves on inclusion, and are always seeking adventures. If you are looking for the best summer of your life, congratulations, you've found it at Camp Newaygo.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Our Leader in Training group are exceptional young women who share the spirit of teamwork, adventure and individual challenge, while working closely with senior counselors. Young women entering the 12th grade that exhibit leadership potential are selected to participate in this unique program.

L.I.T.s will live in the cabins to learn from counselors. They will also lead activities, learn about group dynamics and become certified in Waterfront Lifeguarding, CPR, and basic first aid. Participate for as few as 3 weeks or as many as 7 weeks.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): My Mom & Me (or Grandma, too!) Specifically designed for young children and their mom's, grandmothers, aunts or another special female adult. The program offers an opportunity to introduce children (boys and girls) to the joys of camping. Singing around the campfire, canoeing on Lake Pickerel, catching their first fish, or doing crafts together are more fun together when all the planning and preparation are done for you. And, no cooking all weekend! Programs run Saturday at 11am to Sunday at 3pm.

My Dad & Me (or Grandpa too!) Specifically designed for young children and their dads, grandfathers, uncles or another special male adult. You and your "son or daughter" will be busy having fun trying archery, canoeing, games, and enjoying the woods and water. Dad's - get ready for a stress free weekend of special bonding with your child. The program runs Saturday at 11am to Sunday at 3pm.

Family and Friends Camp

Coming in 2014! Experience Camp Newaygo with all your loved ones. Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents, and any other relatives will enjoy a weekend of programs to strengthen family bonds. Tube down the Muskegon River, or shoot some bullseyes at archery. Somewhere between canoeing and scavenger hunts you'll realize you're making lifelong memories together as a family. Bring two adults and at least one child and get ready to have a blast!

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: We run rental groups, community events, weddings, and off-site catering.

Session I : Mini Camp June 25-28 (4 days, 3 nights), $298

7 Year Olds through 7th Grade Only
This shorter session is perfect for girls just getting started at �overnight camp.� Mini Camp is tailored specifically to elementary and middle school kids. Girls will chose three different activities each day, letting them see everything Camp Newaygo has to offer. If your daughter has never been away from home before, this is a perfect way to ease your family into summer camp. Our mini campers choose three new classes every day - so they get to sample as much of Camp Newaygo as possible. Our mini campers do not go on an overnight camp-out, and instead spend the entire week in our adirondack cabins.

We have two Mini Camps each summer - our first mini camp includes an early bird discount of $10!

Session 2- June 29-July 5 (7 days, 6 nights), $514

Ages 7 years - 11th grade

Session II is a perfect way to start off your summer. Celebrate July 4th at Camp! This seven day session allows campers to enjoy their three class choices all week long. They can tune their tennis form, celebrate their artistic genius in pottery, and excel in fencing. In the evenings, campers participate in all-camp programs like scavenger hunts, battle of the bands, and marshmallow paint wars. Each cabin (girls below 7th grade) will sleep out in tents on camp property on Tuesday night and each unit (7-11th graders) will head off site for backpacking, paddling, or tubing. These overnights give the girls an experience unlike any other. Cooking over and fire and sleeping under the stars, your daughter will build unique friendships with her cabin-mates.Session II is also includes Science Camp. Girls enrolled in science camp will let their curiosities run wild with Fran Gibbs, from Lincoln Heights Elementary in Greenville, MI. Science Campers will love daily curriculum prepared specifically for Camp Newaygo. Study everything you love about science � outside of the classroom. Science campers also enjoy one activity choice, evening programs, and plenty of time to swim in the lake. Science camp helps girls remember that being smart is cool. Session II also includes our tradition of Wish Lanterns. On the night of July 4th, each cabin sets off a Wish Lantern at the waterfront. Our lanterns are joined by 500 others from around the lake. Start your summer wishes off at Camp Newaygo!

Session III A, July 6-12 (7 days, 6 nights), $514

Ages 7 years- 11th grade

Session III A is perfect for campers wishing to stay for one week. You may choose to come for one or both weeks of this session (III A & B). Come enjoy Newaygo in the heart of the summer. Sail across Lake Pickerel in the Hobie Cat, relax in the hammock garden, and sleep under a tent. Our one-week campers can look forward to evening programs like Capture-The-Flag, All Camp Scavenger Hunts, and lots of campfires.

Many campers in this session are returning, and many of them experiencing Camp Newaygo for the first time.

Session III B, July 13-19 (7 days, 6 nights), $514

Ages 7 years - 11th grade

Session IIIB is another option for campers wishing to stay only one week.

You may choose to come for one or both weeks of this session (III A & B). Come enjoy Newaygo in the heart of the summer. Come sing songs on the dinning porch, paddleboard to Turtle Island, and play glow-in-the-dark GaGa ball.

Our Session IIIB campers can also look forward to "Christmas In July", a whole day of Christmas excitement. Campers are serenaded awake by Christmas Carols and spend the morning decorating trees, making cookies, and preparing for a Christmas Feast. Make sure to bring some red and green clothing to get in on the Holiday spirit.

Many campers in this session are returning, and many of them experiencing Camp Newaygo for the first time.

Session III All, July 6-19 (14 days, 13 nights), $928

Ages 7 years - 11th grade

Session III is a two-week long session. On the Saturday and Sunday in between Sessions IIIA and IIIB, campers enjoy a full day of program including picnics on the beach, a drive in movie (where campers build their own cars out of cardboard), and the 85-year-old tradition of Sing On The Lake.

During Sing On The Lake, every camper loads into canoes and paddles across the lake to serenade our friends at Little Switzerland Resort. Session III is perfect for campers who are staying two weeks, but have friends who are only coming for one week.

During Session III we have two week cabins and two week units. Most of our unit campers (7th grade and above) choose to stay for two weeks.

Holdover - July 19-20 (1 day, 1 night), $85

Ages 7 years - 11th grade

For some campers, two weeks of Camp Newaygo is just not enough!

For those who want to attend three or four weeks of camp, you can attend Session III (both weeks) or Session IIIB (the second week) and Session IV.

The holdover option allows you to do that, without having to travel home. During holdover, we'll spend the day at Lake Michigan relaxing, preparing for the next two weeks. You may do laundry at this time (available only to campers selecting the holdover option).

Session IVA - July 20-26 (7 days, 6 nights) $514

7 years - 7th grade Only

This one-week long session is for "cabin" campers only (7years-7th grade).

During this session, campers choose three classes, and attend those three classes all week long. Campers can learn how to use a pottery wheel, perfect their tennis serve, and learn how to fence like Captain Jack Sparrow. Our one-week campers can look forward to evening programs like Capture-The-Flag, All Camp Scavenger Hunts, and lots of campfires.

Most of our campers during this session are experiencing Camp Newaygo for the first time.

Session IVB, July 27-30 (4 days, 3 nights) $308

7 years - 7th grade Only

Our Second Mini-Camp of the summer is perfect for girls just getting started at �overnight camp.� Mini Camp is tailored specifically to elementary and middle school kids. Girls will chose three different activities each day, letting them see everything Camp Newaygo has to offer. If your daughter has never been away from home before, this is a perfect way to ease your family into summer camp. Our mini campers choose three new classes every day - so they get to sample as much of Camp Newaygo as possible. Our mini campers do not go on an overnight camp-out, and instead spend the entire week in our Adirondack cabins.

We have two Mini Camps each summer - our first mini camp in June includes an early bird discount of $10!

Session IV All, July 20-Aug 2 (14 days, 13 nights), $928

Ages 7 years - 11th grade

When Camp Newaygo Alumni look back on their best memories of summer, they think about Session IV. Somewhere between outdoor cooking experiments and listening to the rain fall on your tent, lasting friendships are built.

All girls attending Session IV will stay for two weeks. During that time Wakonda (girls entering (9th and 10th grade) and Pioneers (Girls entering 11th grade) will head to the Manitou Islands for the backpacking adventure of a lifetime. Girls in younger units will also enjoy trips down the Pere Marquette or the Muskegon River. You will take part in ceremonies that date back generations, including the Candle Dipping Ceremony, Wishing Boat Ceremony, and the final campfire where the camp torches are lit and the summer Logbook and its honorees are presented. If you�re looking for two weeks of camp packed with unbelievable evening programs, unique traditions, wild campouts, and unforgettable friendships � then Session IV is for you!

Speciality Camp Add-On's

4th grade Science Camp
During Session II, Girls entering 5th Grade in fall of 2015

Do you love science? Here is a chance for you to do cool hands on experiments and activities every morning and all camp activities like swimming and arts and crafts the rest of the day. An extra $40 fee is applied. Sign-up for this program during registration.

Creativity Plus

During Session II, IIIA, & IVA, Girls 7-11th grade

If you want an opportunity to use advanced materials to create original artwork, sign up for Creativity Plus to let your artistic side go wild. In creativity plus, your daughter will spend two of her class sessions with our Arts and Crafts Director creating special art work pieces. At the end of the week, she will display her work in an art show for parents. An extra $40 fee is applied. Sign-up for this program during registration.

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Camp Newaygo

There is 1 Top Michigan Tennis Camp Below

Michigan Boy Scouts Camps
Summer Camps in Michigan
Dauch Scout Center
1776 West Warren Avenue
Detroit, MI 48208-2215

Troy Scout Center
1155 East Long Lake Road
Troy, MI 48085
(248) 253-9596

Grand Rapids Service Center
3213 Walker Avenue NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49544-9775

Traverse City Service Center
1499 Business Park Drive
Traverse City, MI 49686-8741

For more info visit the website.


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Updated: May 24, 2018

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