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Camp SAY - A Summer Camp for Young People Who Stutter
Pennsylvania Location(s)

Visit Our Camp SAY - A Summer Camp for Young People Who Stutter Website
Winter Office: 646.403.3522
48 Pocono Springs Way
East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania 18302

SAY also offers a Confident Voices after-school & weekend arts program in the NYC Tri-state area, and Speech Therapy provided by a licensed Speech-Language Pathologist, in our NYC office and across the USA via teletherapy.

SAY: The Stuttering Association for the Young
247 West 37th Street, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10018

Watch Our Camp SAY - A Summer Camp for Young People Who Stutter Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. 2-week camp - July 30-August 13, 2018

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Camp SAY is an American Camp Association (ACA)-accredited camp program hosted at Camp Pocono Springs, and is a program of SAY: The Stuttering Associat

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Camp SAY is a life changing ACA-American Camp Accredited summer camp for kids & teens who stutter. We combine the highest-quality, traditional summer camp experience, with activities that empower young people who stutter, including: Arts & Crafts, Sports, Water Activities, Outdoor, Performing Arts and Communication & Skill-Building programs. Optional Speech Therapy is available & sliding scale tuition. Learn more at:

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: We offer special programs that build confidence and communication skills for kids & teens who stutter, including performing arts, debate, improv, and more. If desired, Speech Therapy, is also available with individual and group sessions tailored for each child's communication goals. Learn more at:

Tennis, Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Soccer, Waterfront/Aquatics, Team Sports, Basketball, Volleyball, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, Dance, Music/Band, Theater, Musical Theater, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Technology, and more. Broad Range Of Performing Arts Opportunities, As Well As Art & Crafts, Digital Storytelling, Improv, Debate, Optional Speech Therapy & So Much More.

TOP PENNSYLVANIA TENNIS CAMP: Camp SAY - A Summer Camp for Young People Who Stutter is a Top Tennis Summer Camp located in East Stroudsburg Pennsylvania offering many fun and enriching Tennis and other camp programs.

CAMP LOCATION: Our 2-week American Camp Association (ACA)-accredited sleep-away camp, hosted at Pocono Springs Camp, a new, 60-acre, $8 million, state-of-the art camp facility located in the beautiful Pocono Mountains – just 75 miles from New York City and 100 miles from Philadelphia.

Please visit Our Camp Website Link: for added information and photos, and our camp videos at

This spectacular, private camp facility offers a variety of activities with several sports fields, a gorgeous private lake, a heated swimming pool and so much more. Take a virtual tour at:

SAY also offers a Confident Voices after-school & weekend arts program in the NYC Tri-state area, and Speech Therapy provided by a licensed Speech-Language Pathologist who works exclusively with young people who stutter (ages 3-18), in our NYC office and across the US via teletherapy.

CAMP FACILITIES: This spectacular, private camp facility offers a variety of activities with several sports fields, a gorgeous private lake, a heated swimming pool and a broad range of recreational facilities, including:

Heated Pool
6 Basketball Courts
9 Tennis Courts
2 Soccer Fields
Lacrosse Field
Baseball & Softball Fields
Hockey Rink
Beach Volleyball Court
Archery Range
Dance Studio
Gymnastics Pavilion
Fitness Center
Zip Line
Challenge Course
Nature Trails
Fishing Pond
Arts & Crafts Studios
Ceramics Studio
Lake swimming, canoeing, kayaking & paddle boarding
Abundant outdoor field space for added team-building activities & athletics

Campers will enjoy new, spacious modern cabins, with attached showers and facilities.

Delicious, balanced meals are served in a 5,200 square foot Kitchen & Dining Hall, overlooking sparkling Reflection Lake, with large decks ideal for outdoor dining.


Camp SAY was established with one goal in mind – to provide children who stutter with a highly immersive and accepting summer camp experience that builds self-confidence and helps children develop the vital communication skills they need to fully express themselves without fear, bullying or ridicule.

Complementing our wide range of exciting traditional camp activities, Camp SAY provides each child with unique experiences that challenge them in a safe way, creating a strong sense of achievement and helping them confidently navigate the unique issues that children who stutter face in the everyday world.

The staff is dedicated to creating a safe and accepting environment where every child can find their beautiful and unique voice. Approximately 80% of children return to camp. Parents and campers tell us it’s our staff and unique approach that consistently exceed expectations, making Camp SAY such a rewarding and transformative experience.

We provide an excellent Staff-to-Camper Ratio: With Camp’s leadership team, camp counselors, specialized activities staff and more, our staff-to-camper ratio is 1 staff member for every 2-3 campers. In addition, each bunk is staffed at night with at least 2 counselors for an average of 6-10 campers.

Counselors complete a comprehensive training program to support the social, emotional and physical needs of all our campers. Staff development includes leadership training and extensive information about stuttering, camper health and safety, camp philosophy, policies and procedures and much more. Additionally, Specialized Activities Staff is carefully selected based on their skills and expertise.

Camp SAY offers an incredible range of activities, including:

Creative Arts
Arts & crafts – including painting, drawing, jewelry making, lanyard and tie-dye

Performing Arts
Dance, dramatic arts, creative writing, playwriting, pottery, singing & songwriting, video production and more.

Land Sports
Baseball, basketball (6 courts), kickball, lacrosse, soccer, softball, tennis (9 all-weather Courts), volleyball, Frisbee and more.

Waterfront Activities
Swimming in a lake and heated swimming pool, as well as canoeing, kayak course, paddleboats, swimming, waterslide, zip-line, and more.

Adventure programs feature hiking and nature walks, rock-climbing walls, campfires (for S’mores and stories), recycling and environmental programs, ropes courses and more.

This spectacular, private camp facility offers a variety of activities with several sports fields, a gorgeous private lake, a heated swimming pool and so much more.
Heated Pool
6 Basketball Courts
9 Tennis Courts
2 Soccer Fields
Lacrosse Field
Baseball & Softball Fields
Hockey Rink
Beach Volleyball Court
Archery Range
Dance Studio
Gymnastics Pavilion
Fitness Center
Zip Line
Challenge Course
Nature Trails
Fishing Pond
Arts & Crafts Studios
Ceramics Studio
Lake swimming, canoeing, kayaking & paddle boarding
Abundant outdoor field space for added team-building activities & athletics

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Tuition and travel are offered on a sliding scale basis so all children can attend Camp SAY. To date, no child has been turned away from Camp SAY due to a family's inability to pay.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Camp offers Family Day where families visit campers, and in addition to welcoming kids & teens who stutter, we also welcome siblings and friends (ages 8-18).

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Camp SAY is a program of The Stuttering Association for the Young, which also offers year-round Confident Voices after-school & weekend arts programs and Speech Therapy. Learn more at: Our Camp Website Link:

OTHER CAMP INFO: Meals: Camp SAY provides a wonderfully balanced meal plan with great options that kids will enjoy. In addition to the delicious main meals, we provide tasty snacks at key times during the day. We can accommodate a broad range of food restrictions to ensure that your child’s experience at Camp SAY is truly memorable.

Talented Nursing Team: Your child’s safety and well being is our highest priority. Our camp is staffed by a full-time, on-site registered nurse who can properly dispense any family-provided medications and can access medical specialists as needed.

Traveling to Camp SAY: Campers come from all around the country and abroad. We work closely with families to make each child’s trip to Camp SAY as safe and enjoyable as possible. We schedule a chaperoned flight from the southeast to New York City. Children taking individual flights are welcomed at the gate by camp staff. Upon arrival at the airport, camp staff helps navigate baggage claim, arrange check-in for return flights, and board campers on the bus for a fun trip to Camp SAY.

Our Personalized Approach: In order to fully personalize your child’s camp experience, our team obtains detailed preferences in advance of camp from you and your child – from their activities to seemingly small yet important details. For example, children who have birthdays at Camp SAY are celebrated with a group birthday song and birthday cake.

Amazing Results: Children and teens leave Camp SAY with so many important benefits such as increased confidence, new friendships, greater independence and feeling better prepared to begin the new school year in a very positive way. It’s the reason that 80% of campers return year after year. We offer a comprehensive Parent’s Handbook, with detailed information in many areas such as what to pack and wear, meals and nutrition (our camp provides balanced, healthy and delicious meals and can accommodate special dietary restrictions), transportation, important contact information and so much more.

Our Camp SAY 2018 summer season is July 30-August 13

Camp Tuition is $3,175, and tuition and travel is offered on a sliding scale basis.

Please visit our website for complete details at: Our Camp Website Link:

Interested in becoming a Camp SAY counselor, please contact Meg[AT]

Lear more at: Our Camp Website Link:

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Updated: May 24, 2018

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